Friday 10 January 2014

Fanfare please!

Kieran likes Criminal Minds! It's very early days yet, but he's even started watching it without me and reminding me that it's on! This is a monumental day. I watched an episode with him yesterday afternoon and he was getting just as involved as me trying to guess who was the killer! Such a proud day.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia cast

In other news, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a lovely festive period, whichever one you choose to celebrate! I made a few resolutions for this year, some typical diet-y ones, some to try a bit harder and only one that I'm certain I will stick to. Start watching more TV series, and I'm already well under way.

I had a bit of a grumpy weekend last week, so I took to Netflix to watch my usual 'comfort shows' like The Office or Parks and Rec. Something I know that I love and that makes me happy just by the theme music. But something stopped me. I've been promising to try It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for about a year now so I did it! I got through about 3 seasons in two days and I absolutely love it.

No spoilers, but I already love Charlie, have a little crush on Dennis and think Mac is a douche. I can't wait to get through the next six seasons. (I'm such a binge-watcher!) so if anyone else has any suggestions about what to watch, as always, leave them for me on here, twitter or tumblr!