Saturday 26 May 2012

Something really riled me up today!

This is it! This post will probably spark a debate, probably in some of the people it was aimed at. Let me first say that I do not care in any way, shape or form. Firstly, Caroline Flack is 32, Harry Styles is 18. Not to be massively pedantic, that is not 'half her age'. Secondly, he's over 16, legally allowed to engage in a relationship with anyone above the age of 16 that he pleases. Thirdly, what a disgusting, offensive piece of 'journalism'!

My mum is 7 years older than my dad, only 6/7 years more than the difference between Caroline and Harry. Nobody ever had a problem with that, not my mum, not my dad, nobody in either side of the family. It never seemed like an issue to anybody. Much like this should never have seemed like an issue. Personally, I don't date younger people and that is a personal choice. I have absolutely no problem with anybody who does as long as it's all legal and above board. Love is love, as cliché as that sounds.

Whoever wrote this has definitely kept the younger One Direction fans in mind. I think the problem is not the age difference, but the fact that Harry is dating anybody at all. They bullied a young women (She's 32, come on, she isn't ancient) into ending a relationship with somebody. We don't know how much they liked or possibly loved each other, we don't know how serious that relationship could have gotten and we don't know that perhaps they could have 'soulmates' if you believe in that kind of thing. The One Direction 'fans' made both of their lives an absolute living hell. I wrote 'fans' in inverted commas because frankly, I wouldn't class anyone who had a part in this as a fan. Tomorrow, if Harry revealed that he had a new girlfriend who was the same age, ran marathons for charity, who was the sweetest, loveliest girl you could hope to meet, let's face it, they'd still find some fault to pick and they would do whatever they could to end it. Their 'if I can't have him, nobody can' mentally is bordering on mentally ill, in my eyes.

I had a brief look around twitter, the girls in question are generally around 12-16, obviously some older, some younger, but still children. No matter how 'mature' they think they are, no matter how 'in love' with Harry or any of the others they think they are, it's wrong. I'm going to be honest, Harry is not going to randomly fall in love with any of them, they're too young. I'm sure when he looks at twitter, he see's the way some of them go on and it disgusts him, much like it disgusts everybody else. He's 18 years old, he's going to date girls, some of them will be older, some of them will be successful women like Caroline and some of them will perhaps be creepy fans out to get their claws into him. All I'm saying is that it is so, so wrong to bully a grown woman just because she's doing something that you will never get the chance to do, and that you will never be able to stop an 18 year old boy from being interested in girls (or boys!)

Case in point, I love Aaron Johnson, massive crush, his fiancé is what, 44? They have a child and another on the way. Yeah, I was bitter, but I didn't reach straight for my keyboard and send the poor woman hate mail (like SO many people have done). If that's who he's fallen for, that's it. It's not like he was going to magically become aware of me and think "Yeah, I'll ditch my fiancé and children for her!"

I know Caroline was rushed into hospital a few days ago. I read an article which allowed people to comment on it. The sheer amount of people claiming that she 'deserves it' and that 'she had it coming' because she dated Harry was appalling. I hope to never encounter somebody with such a twisted way of thinking. I can hand on heart say that when I finish my journalism degree, if I choose to become a magazine writer, you will not see anything like the horrible piece of writing above, come from me. That's a total guarantee.

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