Thursday 12 December 2013

I am the absolute worst blogger

But I have a perfectly (kind of...) acceptable reason!

Since my last post, I started a new job AND went back to university for my second year in September and oh my GOD has it kept me busy. I thought first year was hard, but in comparison, I just strolled through that. So between spending every waking hour at work, at uni or catching up with my boyfriend, I've barely had time to watch TV, let alone blog about it. But I'm back, because I have six sweeeeet weeks off for Christmas.

So, what's new I hear you cry? I watched some TV. Criminal Minds (upto season 8) - Done and Parks and Recreation - Done. Everyone bleated on and on and on (and on..) about Breaking Bad, but being as stubborn as I am, I was unwilling to give it a chance. I watched the pilot, it didn't thrill me, so I didn't continue (sorry guys!)

But on my last post, I said that I was just getting into Parks and Recreation and I. Am. In LOVE. I love a TV show where you see a little bit of yourself in every character! I think that's the only way I get into a show, when I really connect with them. That's a little bit strange, but it's true. I am Leslie Knope. I see that know after people telling me a lot. I'm a little Ron and April, I'm a lot Ben, a little Chris Traeger and a bit of Ann, why not. I'm just so excited for it to continue. So if you haven't watched it yet, I can not recommend it highly enough. It's on Netflix, so TREAT YO'SELF (2013).

Criminal Minds season 9 has begun, but I have a bit of a confession. I am a binge TV watcher. I can't just watch an episode then wait a week for the next. I am starving myself of new CM episodes until there are enough for me watch in a row and be happy. But I hear that Paget Brewster is back for an episode so I'm going to have to start powering through because I am excited.

What else is new... Arrow. My boyfriend is obsessed. In a big way. He loves anything to do with comics, so when they made a TV show, he was a bit reluctant in case they wrecked Green Arrow, but he's hooked, so I've bought him the first season on Blu-Ray (but shhh!). I've given it a preliminary watch to suss it out, I'm not loving it, but we're going to give it a run through after Christmas. I'm a dedicated girlfriend and TV watcher (It doesn't hurt that Stephen Amell is a beaaauutiful man.)

So that's it! I hope I get some time to watch more TV now that I don't have essays and other projects coming out of my eyeballs. If you think of anything brilliant that I must watch right now, let me know here or here

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